Tuesday, August 24, 2010

(sorta) Big in Japan

Toshihiko Katsuda, a reporter for the ASAHI Shimbun, visited us at the Museum of Arts and Design during the World Science Festival.  He took lots of photos and asked great questions.We just received this PDF of the story he published, entitled "Artistic E. Coli".   I was delighted... or at least, I thought maybe I could be? An unusual situation.  I replied, "Looks great! ... but uh, What does it say??"  He humored me. For the translation, read below. Thank you Toshi!

Toshi's note:  "Please know that this is a direct translation from Japanese to
English. It might have some awkward phrases in English, but my article
in Japanese actually went very well. I had a good response from
readers. Thank you again for your cooperation."

August 7, 2010

Artistic E. Coli

Pigments are usually made out of mineral substance or resin. But the
team of a molecular biologist Kristin Baldwin and an artist Amy Chase
Gulden got an idea. They use E. Coli as pigment and call their work

They pick families of E. Coli which are genetically engineered to have
a certain color for research. With the brush, they draw something on
an agar in the petri dish. The next day, E. Coli emerge as drawings or

Artworks displayed in New York were greenish blue and looked like
Chinese traditional ink paintings. Those E. Coli are not harmful.

"I was surprised to hear Ms. Baldwin's proposal of using E. Coli,"
said Ms. Gulden. But they are now busy showing "a great example of a
fusion of science and art" at museums and schools.

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